Frequently Asked Questions

Learn how Catalyst Power can help your business enjoy reliable electricity and power while improving the environment and saving you money.
Solar panels and energy storage amid a cityscape

Company Information

Who is Catalyst Power?

Catalyst Power is an independent energy solutions provider based in New York specializing in integrating retail energy and distributed energy resources. We market novel energy supply options and Connected Microgrid® solutions to underserved middle-market commercial and industrial customers. Using solar, battery storage, natural gas backup generation, and other innovations, we empower businesses to grow their positive environmental impact while improving overall efficiency. And we do the same for the overall energy grid. It’s a pretty sweet deal.

How Does Catalyst Power Work?

Catalyst Power works however our customers need us to work. We offer cost-effective energy solutions tailored to your business. Customers can lease their roof to us and host community solar projects, operate under a PPA to buy solar power directly from on-premises Catalyst panels, lease backup gas generators, or explore several customized retail energy supply options. Our process is simple: we use cutting-edge technology to evaluate your usage in real-time; we analyze your situation, needs, and priorities; we determine the right product and plan. Then we get to work. 

And it’s all online. Told you we worked like you do!

How Can Catalyst Power Help Me Save?

Three ways. Money. Time. Planet. Whether you use solar panels, gas backup generators, or retail power and gas, you can protect your bottom line with Catalyst Power. And it’s not just talk. Entering into a solar power purchase agreement or community solar subscription with Catalyst Power will save you money by undercutting utility costs. You’re saving time with our seamless online signup process. And you’re saving the planet with our innovative sustainable energy supply solutions.

Why Did Catalyst Power Purchase U.S. Energy Partners?

First and foremost, USEP’s goals align with our four core pillars: positive environmental impact, immediate savings, long-term budget certainty, and outage protection. USEP’s offerings include renewable energy, fixed-rate and indexed plans, and community solar from various solar projects in New York.

We view the integration with USEP as a crucial step toward our continual development of distributed solar, natural gas engines, and other energy supply options for middle-market commercial and industrial customers.

Our Energy Solutions

How Does On-Site Solar Power Work with Catalyst Power?

If you select a solar solution (say that five times fast), we will install a solar array on the property of your business at no cost to you. Then we’ll sell that energy to you at a lower cost to both you and the environment. So you’re saving money and the planet at the same time. Learn more here.

How Does the Gas Generator Work with Catalyst Power?

If your business requires a generator solution, we will install the correct size of gas-fired generator on your property at no cost to you. Then we’ll sell that energy to you at a lower cost. Learn more here.

How Does Traditional Power and Gas Work with Catalyst Power?

If a retail solution is the best option for your business, we will custom price a contract for your energy needs online. Learn more here.

How Does Community Solar Work with Catalyst Power?

You can save on your electric bill and help the environment by supporting renewable energy generation in your area. The solar farm creates solar electricity and adds it to the electricity grid. Supporting that generation will earn you solar energy credits on your monthly bill, which guarantees you a discount on your energy costs. Learn more here.

Does Installing Rooftop Solar Increase My Insurance?

Installing rooftop solar on your commercial property typically has a minimal impact on insurance premiums (if any). While you may need to adjust your coverage to account for the solar installation’s value, this doesn’t necessarily result in a significant increase in costs. Some insurance providers even offer specialized coverage or discounts for properties with solar installations, recognizing the benefits of renewable energy adoption. We recommend discussing your specific situation with your insurance provider. They can provide detailed information about any potential adjustments to your policy.

Retail Choice

How Does my Relationship with my Utility Company Change with Catalyst Power?

Nothing changes! The utility will remain responsible for the lines, poles, and meters in your area.

How Does Billing Work with Catalyst Power?

If you sign up for solar panels or a gas-fired generator, you will still receive an energy supply bill each billing cycle. That bill will credit you for the energy produced on your property. You’ll also receive a separate PPA bill for that produced energy.

If you sign up with Catalyst Power via a retail Power Purchase Agreement, then you will simply see one energy supply bill each billing cycle.

If you sign up with Catalyst Power via Community Solar, you will see one energy supply bill each billing cycle, and that bill will reflect the solar credits.

What is a Connected Microgrid®?

A Connected Microgrid is basically a smaller, more sustainable version of the larger power grid that still maintains the connection to that grid. It solves many of the reliability and environmental issues of the larger grid while also providing increased customer control and access. It can produce energy from either a combination of on-site resources (solar, batteries, and gas) or a single generator (solar) while maintaining a connection to the larger grid. (This is different from ‘islanding’ in which the connection to the larger grid is severed). If you select a solar solution (say that five times fast), we will install a solar array on the property of your business at no cost to you. Then we’ll sell that energy to you at a lower cost to both you and the environment. So, you’re saving money and the planet at the same time. Learn more here

How does a Connected Microgrid work with Catalyst Power? 

When you decide to transition to a Connected Microgrid, Catalyst Power will build and install solar panels on your property (at no cost to you) that produce a modest portion of your energy needs. (We can also build a gas generator, but we highly recommend the panels for maximum sustainability.) Catalyst Power will build, own, and operate the source at no cost to you and then sell the energy it produces to you at an excellent, reliable price. There are multiple benefits to this energy partnership: 

  1. Positive environmental impact: you are directly increasing the percentage of renewable energy used and your business, customers, and grandchildren’s grandchildren thank you. 
  1. Immediate savings: you immediately cut into the cost of retail power with your own renewables. The Catalyst Power pricing is designed to provide real savings for your business, not just a feel-good story. 
  1. Budget certainty: our long-term fixed-price allows businesses to plan ahead with added confidence. 
  1. Outage protection: by generating energy on-site, you support the reliability of the grid by reducing the risk of costly power outages by creating your very own non-wires solution to grid-related problems. 

Why should I buy my energy from Catalyst Power? Can’t I just install solar panels and produce energy for myself? 

I mean… you could? But we don’t recommend it. We’re experts at handling all of the ins and outs of on-site energy production, and we’d be focused on running the power source while you focus on running your business. Think of it as having the power to build your favorite lunch place right next to your office. You don’t want to run a restaurant, you just want to have all the benefits of proximity (and a pretty sweet discount). 

What do you mean by Budget Certainty? 

Your new Connected Microgrid comes with a fixed rate Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Catalyst Power that is locked in for the duration of the contract. You wake up every morning with electricity market risk, but a PPA with Catalyst Power allows you to reduce this risk. This enables you to reliably predict some of your energy expenditure well into the future to help effectively scale your business. If grid supply and utility delivery charges continue to go higher, you’ve done the responsible thing and hedged your risk while still having the option of adding newer renewable resources for the rest of your needs in the future—smart diversification and creation of optionality. 

Yeah, but that PPA is a pretty long contract. What if I don’t own my building or have a long-term lease? 

Because a Connected Microgrid Solution involves a long-term commitment to a singular location, businesses that own or have a long-term lease are the best fit for a Connected Microgrid. Those in shorter-term scenarios would need to get their landlord involved, which plenty of our clients do! What is certain is that your business will definitely benefit from some of our solutions. 

How long does it take for the panels to get built and installed? 

Once you decide to sign a PPA with Catalyst Power, you’ll start using the energy from your Connected Microgrid in about 6 to 12 months. What factors in the amount of time it takes to build the necessary equipment and generally get through the local red tape. 

How is a Connected Microgrid a sustainable energy source? 

A Connected Microgrid is actually sustainable in multiple ways. One of the big ones is that it decreases the distance between where the energy is produced and where it’s used. Transferring energy across long distances takes a lot of, you guessed it, energy. And by getting power from A to B more expediently, a Connected Microgrid decreases your business’ carbon footprint. Also, by buying into a Connected Microgrid, you’ll be contributing to the renewable energy market and improving its reliability, scalability, and reach. In short, more solar generation = less fossil fuel generation. 

How easy is it to get a Connected Microgrid Solution for my business? 

So easy. Seriously. You can connect with our team of Energy Experts and we’ll gather your details to put together a Power Purchase Agreement. Our team can answer any questions you have along the way. 

How can we help you?

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